I am a latina from Paraguay, studying in Union College as an English and Psychology major. Funny, right? Spanish is my native language, and still, I came over to the States and decide to study freaking English. I have no idea what I'm going to do with my life, but in the meantime, I'm having fun. No se puede todo, right? So, fuck it.
So, this blog is a multi-faceted, metamorphosed place. At first, it was my own personal blog, as me, bored out of my mind in Paraguay, I escaped in books. As Blind Melon in "No Rain" phrases it, "And all I can do is read a book to stay awake. And it rips my life away, but its a great escape." Books were my escape, my imaginary worlds, my homes away from home; and when I was done with one, I was brimming with feelings and emotions and thoughts and I had to get them out somehow and this blog came into being. Then, it became the place where I posted my blog-type assignments for my English class 261 - Modernism and Modernity. Meaning that we focus on books from the Modernist era of literature. In here, you'll see all of my takeaways from at least one text as a whole or an excerpt that we read during the class. I don't really have a clue what the posts will look like, or what exactly they'll focus on, since I haven't read anything that's in our reading schedule for this term before (thankfully). So I guess we'll both wait and see what my brain barfs out.
This blog is basically the sum of my brain's ramblings about Modernist literature. I hope you like it.
Once the class ended, it became an amalgamation of Modernism and Modernity, my pre-college thoughts and absolutely everything my brain comes up with related to the books I've read. Sometimes, though, it's just me ranting about life, or attempting to sound wise with life advice. And most recently, it became the place where I posted my blog-style assignments for my Queer Theory class. Hopefully you laugh a little and think a little too. Have fun :)