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I have NEVER done this before. I am not an extroverted person, and actually, according to the 16personalities test, I am 75% introverted. Huh. I am apparently "The Mediator." Sounds... important.I am a 17-year old girl, living in the heat and wishing for the cold. My favorite color is gray -- YES IT IS A COLOR. And yes, I write "gray" with an "a." Boo-hoo.

This is just a tidbit of what is ME, the all-powerful creator of this awesome blog.

Now, I'll pretend I'm a very famous person and a reporter is asking me important questions, because I am an important person. Heh, heh. Why did you decide to start this blog?

Well, Sean, I wish it was a funny story, or that I just woke up one day and whoever is up there illuminated me with this great purpose and great task of building a blog. But, to be honest with you Sean, I just read a lot and after finishing a good book, I have so many emotions all over the place; I can cry over a book, or laugh at times, and I can't share these feelings I have with anyone around me because they hadn't read the book. So I figured I might as well do something productive with all of these things, thoughts, emotions, etc. buzzing around in my head and write them down and share them. And so, here I am.

(Yes, I named the guy Sean. I don't know why, but it's a very reporter-ish name. I have two Seans I'm picturing right now. One has blonde hair and blue eyes and has a Mike-from-Suits kind of vibe. And the second has curly brown hair, hipster glasses, and brown eyes. I think the second Sean is more accurate for a rookie journalist. Right?)

Are you single? (Ha! Kidding! He would never ask me that being all professional and stuff; but why yes, good sir, I am single. Wink, wink)


What is the point of this blog, aside from the book reviews?

Well Sean, this blog is, in essence, my journal. I will share quotes that I like, others that I find relatable or applicable to my life at the moment along with bits of my wisdom. I will share my thoughts with you. This blog is my diary, my wall of thoughts.  

Will you ever post any videos? 

Actually Sean (yes, I enjoy saying the name Sean. It's so smooth), I was thinking about that and I do not know. You know this age, 17, TEEN years, puberty, and all that comes with that and being a girl at this day and age, might not allow me to do so. I think that maybe, if I continue this blog in the years to come, then I might. But this age, it sucks. Insecurity sucks. So be patient, young grasshoppers.


I am going to finish all of my posts with this line that I have read in a book that I've recently finished: "I LOVE YOU ALL. I LOVE YOU ALL. I LOVE YOU ALL." - The Immortalists, Chloe Benjamin.

Stay tuned for the next post! Whenever that may be... *insert evil laugh*

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