This book was good, in a sucky way. Throughout the book I kind of dragged my feet, but it got better towards the end with a quirky little plot twist that made it more interesting. I think I have this opinion, mostly because I liked his other book so much They Both Die At The End, that I set higher-than-normal expectations for this book.

This book is about life, death, memories, and everything in between.
There is a company/business, Leteo, that provides the service of repressing people's memories for a fee (#FreudHasReturned). Aaron is convinced it is nothing but a shady scam.
Aaron looks at the bathtub, seeing the spot where his dad took his life. He thinks about all of the memories he would like to repress, all of the memories he would like to be rid of.
Memories: can be sucker punching, others can carry you forwards; some stay with you forever, others you forget on your own. You really can’t know which ones you’ll survive if you don’t stay on the battlefield, bad times shooting at you like bullets. But if you’re lucky, you’ll have plenty of good times to shield you.
Our memories make us who we are, no matter how bad, how ugly, or how sad, they have shaped us and helped us become who we are today. We never know when a memory will resurface; when the sadness of one will knock the breath out of you, the happiness of another bring a smile to your face.
There are so many memories that Aaron would repress. So many he would like to forget and never remember. Will he do it?
This book is a good lesson-giving book. Sometimes we wish we could erase a memory, but that memory has helped you avoid making a mistake, it has helped you take a chance, it has helped you make choices you wouldn't have done before that memory. It teaches you about happiness, and how even if it seems unattainable, it is always there. You just have to take a chance, and let it in.
Happiness comes again if you let it
This books is recommended. Read it.