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THE ILLUMINAE FILES - Amie Kufman & Jay Kristoff

HOLY MOTHER OF ALL THATS HOLY. WHAT THE HECK DID I JUST READ. WHAT. THE. HECK. Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff should receive just the highest prize an author can get for their books. 

You know how when you’re watching a movie that is so stressful and you’re just sucked into the world it creates for you that you yell at the characters in the movie, you cry with them, laugh with them, and maybe even curse with them? Well, these books did all of that to me. I have never, in my seventeen years of life, been so affected, so enraptured by a book. Never. And I do not say this lightly. 

IlluminaeGemina, and Obsidio are nothing short of fricking masterpieces. They’re not written as any conventional novel. No, you see, they are written through case files, chat logs, computer histories, surveillance footage transcripts. It is fricking amazing. We get the story from all of these documents, the heartbreak, the pain, the confusion, and then the moment when everything becomes clear, when the revelation of all the documents is done and the epic truths dawn on you and everything is light and pain and love and you are left utterly flabbergasted at the sheer impossible-ness of everything. 

Kady Grant and Ezra Mason; Ella Malikova, Hannah Donelly, and Nik Malikov; Asha Grant and Rhys Lindstrom; the Illuminae Group. They are a ragtag group of teenagers, fighting for their lives and the lives of those they love and the truth above all after their world has gone to shit — and they do so with a humour so unique and unexpected that laughing out loud cannot be prevented. 

These books are nothing short of amazing. They are thrown at you to read them. SO READ THEM. 


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