I am heartbroken. This book is devastatingly beautiful.

From the beginning of the book, we know that they both die at the end, they got the call after all, but we don't know how; and we see Rufus and Mateo become best Last Friends, we see them become the best versions of themselves, together, on their last day.
Love is a superpower we all have, but it's not always a superpower I'll be able to control
Rufus and Mateo get the call. They both know they are going to die today, that it is their last day to truly live.
Mateo has loved, he has never been brave; but he is kind, loving, selfless, and inherently good. He has just always been scared of being brave.
Rufus has loved, he has lost, he has survived; but he has not truly and fully allowed himself to love, not after the accident.
They Both Die At The End is heartbreaking. It shows the finality of life, that all hope is never lost, that happiness is available at any time, as long as you let it in your heart.
Throughout the book, I fell in love with Rufus and Mateo. I convinced myself that they would be the first ones to outlive the call from Death Cast, they would be the first ones to prove them wrong. Of course, in every young adult book, it always seems like the main character(s) will be the exception(s), but not in this book. And because I convinced myself of that, I shed a tear when Mateo died. And another when Rufus died.
It is not death a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live
Would it be better or worse, if we got a call to tell us that day is our death day? It would be a bit like knowing a little piece of our future, even without all the details. We'll know we'll die, we just don't know how. Would that be better than not knowing? I am a very, very curious person, and I hate not knowing, but would I like to know this?
This book is amazingly heart-wrenching, inspiring, and alluringly sad. Read it, you will never regret reading this book.