Sobs. Just huge, racking sobs. A book filled with such hope, such love, and heartbreak that my heart is as bruised as battered as it could possibly be.

I wear my heart on my sleeve, I know that. It's always a bit more vulnerable than probably anybody else's. I regret that sometimes, but with this book, I don't. I've never been in love before, I don't think. With this book, I fell in love with Lawrence alongside Cassandra. I felt as giddy as Cass felt when she was going to meet him. As sad as she did when she found out what she did. As confused and as anguished as she did. My heart was taken on a rollercoaster and I don't think it has realized that the book is over yet. I can still feel its rapid beating in there. Cassandra is from 2015, Lawrence from 1925. It's an impossible thing, for them to be meeting each other. But only in the beach, only ever in the beach. It's not really time-travel, not really. Just this impossibility on a parcel of land; a little slice of heaven; a tragic, impossible, first love. It always begins with curiosity, and that heady spark. A love story, I mean. In Renee Collin's Until We Meet Again, it's no different, but it's also completely different. It's not like any usual "time-traveling" novel. No, not at all. You see, Cass and Lawrence don't really travel in time, even though their hearts are so intertwined, and hopeful, that one might think they might actually be able to. It is a book, isn't it? Oh, how my heart and soul wished for it as well. I cried when the book ended. Not only because it ended, but because of its last line, its terribly perfect last line. But no, I didn't cry, I sobbed. Huge, racking sobs. My heart broke and mended itself all in one. Just... ugh. Why am I like this? Why am I such a romantic? I cannot deal with this... this terrible heartache. And I wasn't even the one being kissed, or the one Lawrence loved. But it sure felt like it. Ugh, it damn sure felt like it. THIS BOOK IS MORE THAN ABSOLUTELY RECOMMENDED. YOU PEOPLE HAVE TO READ IT. I NEED OTHER PEOPLE TO LOVE THIS BOOK WITH ME. READ IT. I LOVE YOU ALL. I LOVE YOU ALL. I LOVE YOU ALL.